Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

3. What are the kinds of barriers that cause many to think that planning approaches may easily undermine the leading of the Spirit? In what ways might it be possible to plan in such a way that is open to God, flexible to circumstances, and responsive to the moving of the Spirit? 4. What are the specific elements of the Prepare phase of PWR, and how do they help us to approach our ministry projects and initiatives with wisdom and insight? What principles and perspectives should influence us as we begin to prepare ourselves to accomplish God’s task in ministry? 5. Describe some of the actions associated with the Work phase of PWR. What roles do gifted team members play in working a plan that is both flexible and effective? 6. Why is it important to Review our work and to evaluate the results of our efforts to advance the Kingdom of God? What kind of attitude is needed to give a truly honest evaluation of the results of our efforts in a particular project or ministry initiative? 7. How may we use the results of a particular project or initiative to discern what the Lord may want us to accomplish in the next phase of our ministry outreach? Why is it important not to merely continue to do the same things over again, especially if they do not accomplish the tasks we believer God has called us to do? Explain your answer. 8. What are some of the unique problems and challenges which make ministry in urban neighborhoods so difficult? What attitudes and actions may be necessary for us to overcome these problems and challenges? 9. Why is it important always to submit our plans to the Lord, regardless of how wise we believe we have been in our planning and strategy development in ministry? Find at least three Scriptures which say that God himself is the root of all ministry.


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