Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition
C hapter 5: B attle P lan • 29
World Impact’s PLANT Acrostic Strategic Planning Process P repare: Be the Church
1. Pray. 2. Do demographic and ethnographic studies to select a target area or population. 3. Form a church-plant team, which is the initial church which community believers can join. 4. Select reproducible methods to implement standard church practices (e.g. evangelism tools, follow-up materials, order of worship). 5. Initiate Evangel discussion. 1. Recruit and train volunteers. 2. Invite others to join the church. 3. Conduct evangelism to add to the existing church. 1. Form cell groups and/or Bible studies to follow up and disciple new believers, to continue evangelism, and to identify and train emerging leaders. 2. Consolidate the groups into a larger body for corporate worship, instruction, and fellowship. 3. Announce to the neighborhood the beginning of public worship, instruction, and fellowship.
“Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns and the other prisoners were listening.”
L aunch: Invite Others to Join
“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” A ssemble: Train Others to Be the Church “Let us not give up meeting together.”
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