Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

30 • E vangel : T hat N one S hould P erish

N urture: Train Others to Serve

1. Develop individual and group discipleship. 2. Give individuals roles to exercise their gifts in the church. 3. Observe areas of fruitfulness; give more responsibility to those who are faithful (deacons, elders, church planters). 1. Commission faithful indigenous leaders to be elders and pastors. 2. Commission the church to be self-governing, self-supporting, and self-reproducing. 3. Live fully into your relational connection with your movement, denomination, and/or association. 4. Seek God’s leading as you ponder next steps to reproducing a new church/multiplication.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others.” T ransition: Train Others to Lead “And what you have heard me say, entrust to reliable people who are qualified to teach others.”

World Impact’s PLANT Acrostic Theological Explanations

I. P repare: A Church That Reproduces Churches “Of a Kind”

A. Our identity is based on the guardianship and cross- cultural transference of the Great Tradition, which guards against heresy, sectarianism, syncretism, schism and pragmatism. A church is birthed from an existing church (we have to be the church before we can plant the church). We reproduce after our own kind. We do not

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