Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

C hapter 5: B attle P lan • 31

start churches ex nihilo , but from other churches. We have an organic link from church to church back to Pentecost; to the Apostles; to Israel; to the Trinity. Community has been eternally existent and we are a part of that stream. B. The “P” of PLANT recognizes that the church exists as soon as the team is formed. Paul’s team was the church in Philippi before Lydia’s household joined them. Launch adds to the existing church.

II. L aunch and A ssemble: Called and Gifted Apostolic Leader(s)

A. Great Commission driven ( Launch )

1. Through a bold and uncompromising proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his Kingdom that calls people to repentance and conversion

2. A disciplined approach to equip converts to become disciples of Jesus Christ

3. A high standard of leadership development for the care, protection, and growth of the Church

4. An unwavering belief that the Church has been empowered to multiply (Gen. 9.7) so that every tribe, language, people, and nation will be “. . . filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2.14)

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