Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

32 • E vangel : T hat N one S hould P erish

B. Great Commandment lifestyle ( Assemble )

1. As a commitment to obedience to Jesus Christ the Lord (John 14.15, 23)

2. As a demonstration to the world that we are followers of Jesus Christ (John 13.35)

3. An undying love and commitment to advance the Kingdom of God among the poor through four fundamental responses:

a. Respect

b. Love, compassion and justice

c. Preach the Gospel

d. Expect great things

III. N urture: A Training Ground for Leadership

A. Future church leaders observe and practice their developing skills in a church with real people, identities, and structures, under leadership that ensures consistency of practice.

B. Leaders must be developed in the context of community.

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