Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition
38 • E vangel : T hat N one S hould P erish
Resourcing the Great Commission: The Three Contexts of TUMI Resources and Partnership Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis • Visit www.tumi.org for more information/resources.
Contexts of Resourcing and Partnership Context One The One Call to Make Disciples of Christ: The Great Commission
Key Conception
Matt. 28.18-20; Mark 16.15-16; Luke 24.44-48; John 20.21-23
The Great Commission is the charge to reach the vast number of doomed souls in eternal peril with the Gospel of salvation and transformation as authentically and quickly as possible among all peoples.
Context Two The Two Major
1 Tim. 3.15-16
Agents of Kingdom Display: Movements and Congregations Movements, Denominations, Missions Organizations, Gospel Ministries
Trueblood’s “Company of the Committed”; the
A discrete company in God’s Kingdom Army, raised up by the Spirit to represent the Kingdom in a unique, particular, and discernible place and population
basic unit of Kingdom display and witness – a credible church movement, planting
churches within a particular people and locale Local, concrete outpost of the
Local Congregations (pastorally led assemblies of Christ followers)
A platoon, connected to a particular company, raised up by the Spirit to represent the Kingdom in the company’s spirit and name, to engage people as to help them be formed according to the three stages of spiritual formation in a local assembly
Kingdom in a specific locale, neighborhood, under the auspices, instruction, and authority of a credible church movement
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