Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition
C hapter 7: O ur A rsenal /M unitions /B enefits • 39
Suggested TUMI Resources
Biblical Image
WI Staff and Associate Roles
Laborers in the harvest field
All TUMI resources connect to the fulfillment of the Great Commission’s charge to make disciples of all nations (i.e., the universal priesthood of believers)
World Impact Staff and Associates serve as Area Specialists, experts in training and referring leaders and churches by need, by age, by process, or by resource)
The role of the Tribes in Israel, i.e., particular tribes of the singular nation (e.g., the Churches of Macedonia The role of the Clans within the tribes of the nation, specific gatherings by blood and allegiance (e.g. house of David) (e.g., the church at Philippi)
Note: TUMI resources and consultations are informed by biblical models and analogies of birth, growth, maturity, and fruitfulness (systems thinking) of our conversion and calling.
Note: WI Staff and Associates are charged to identify, equip, and release urban Christian leaders to spawn and strengthen indigenous movements and congregations to fulfill the Great Commission.
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