Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

40 • E vangel : T hat N one S hould P erish

Resourcing the Great Commission: The Three Contexts of TUMI Resources and Partnership, continued

Contexts of Resourcing and Partnership Context Three The Three Stages of Spiritual Formation: Evangelism, Discipleship, and Commission From Sincere Seeker to Baptized Believer


Key Conception

Eph. 4.9-15; Col. 1.28-29

Credible communication of the Good News leading to repentance and confession of Christ, and baptism, connected to a local assembly and its life together Incorporation of a baptized believer into official, formal, and genuine relationship with a local congregation, under pastoral care and supervision, integrated in its life and witness Enabling growing, maturing disciples/ body members to discover their gifts and find opportunities to serve as laborers in their own unique, Holy Spirit led field of oikos and/or their specific call to ministry

Culturally conducive, effective evangelism (sharing the Good News) of God’s love in Christ that results in saving faith and baptism in connection to an authentic assembly of Christ followers under pastoral care Ongoing process of integrating a baptized believer into the life and witness of a local church, involving nurturing spiritual formation, meaningful worship, dynamic fellowship, and spiritual witness to people within their oikos network of family, friends, and associates Identifying, equipping, and releasing empowered urban Christian leaders to Spirit-led context ( Sitz im leben ), i.e., their circle of family, friends, and associates, and to their specific called group for witness (e.g., Paul’s call to the Gentiles) minister and Christ’s ambassadors in their

Communicating the Good News to Open Hearts

From Baptized Believer to Maturing Disciple/Body Member

Equipping Baptized Believers to live the Christian life in kingdom community

From Maturing Disciple/Body Member to Commissioned Minister Maturing disciples commissioned by the laying on of hands of pastor and elders to engage in outreach, ministry, and witness to those within their oikos and their calling Clergy: formal class/category of official

pastoral authority certified by the congregation or the movement

Lay Minister: commissioning and releasing mature disciples to serve as ambassadors in their respective contexts, undergirded with prayer, authority, and resources from their assembly

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