Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

C hapter 7: O ur A rsenal /M unitions /B enefits • 41

Visit www.tumi.org for more information/resources.

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Suggested TUMI Resources

WI Staff and Associate Roles

The Ethiopian eunuch, Acts 8

Fight the Good Fight of Faith (FGFF) The Most Amazing Story Ever Told, Bible Blossom, Let God Arise! (LGA) Prayer Resources, TUMI Productions, etc.

Training others how to evangelize and follow up new believers

The Thessalonican believers, 1 and 2 Thess.

FGFF, Heroic Venture, Jesus Cropped from the Picture, Sacred Roots (workshop, book, and resources), Church Year Calendar and Annual, select Foundations courses, SIAFU Chapters and Network, select Ambassadors Workshop courses, Sojourner’s Quest, select Capstone modules, LGA Prayer Resources, TUMI Productions, etc. Capstone Curriculum, Ambassadors Workshop Series, Onesimus Workshop, LGA Prayer Resources, Evangel School of Church Planting, TUMI Productions, etc.

Training in how to disciple, one on one, small group, connecting with other believers in community, teaching, and providing solid under-shepherding of growing disciples

Timothy, 1 and 2 Tim.

Apprentice emerging leaders in particular roles and functions to start new kingdom-oriented ministries, and to strengthen existing ones. We provide the resources and how-to to establish, run, and grow new kingdom-oriented ministries that ultimately will demonstrate the freedom, wholeness, and justice of the Kingdom in and among the poor, at-risk neighborhoods and families (Matt. 13.23)

TUMI works with movements and congregations to establish their own credentialing processes which allow them to certify official agents for ministry

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