Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

6 • E vangel : T hat N one S hould P erish

task is the facilitation of church planting movements which engage their own people groups with coherent, compelling presentations and demonstrations of the Gospel. We can finish this task. We need to be hungry, focused, determined, and unified. All healthy assemblies, denominations, and agencies must band together to play their part in these end-of-the-age missional pushes to reach the lost, especially among those who are furthest from the reach of the Gospel. Evangel is our call for fierce, hungry, and committed church planters to mobilize to strategically engage the unreached neighborhoods in the cities of America and the world. We intend to train qualified spiritual laborers who will respond to our Lord and boldly go to the hardest, toughest, and most unyielding places to proclaim the name of Jesus and establish a community of the Kingdom within them. We are recruiting folk with the dedication of a John Knox who wanted Scotland or death; we need men and women with that heart – “Lord, give me this neighborhood, or I will die.” Such devotion is extreme and costly, and will require that we die to our methods, strength, and ideas, as the adage says, “Grace is absolutely free, but it will cost you everything.” We deliberately want to lay dry wood on smoldering fires, and ignite new ones to inspire a new generation of urban church planters who are deeply moved to exalt the Son of God in their cities among the lost. We are looking for those whose hearts are on fire, who stir themselves up in their most holy faith, who are afraid of nothing but God, and willing to sacrifice anything but their dignity and honor in Christ. We are convinced that God treasures human beings, that their souls have inestimable, eternal value (i.e., #allsoulsmatter ), that the time of God’s invitation to life is short, and that vast numbers of folks are in

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