Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

I ntroduction • 7

eternal jeopardy of being forever estranged from relationship with the Father. All people need and deserve to hear of the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Committed to these truths, our sincere desire is that Evangel will not be “your mother’s” church planting network, but “yo’ mama’s” church planting network. We need to be engaged, zany, fierce, fearless, and committed to the point of being accused of being reckless and extreme when it comes to reaching the lost. We are convinced that God is bringing together and forming an alliance with some of the craziest folk on earth, all of whom are unwilling that any should perish, but that all come to a knowledge of the truth in Jesus. Frankly, these convictions scream for us to be smart and shrewd in our approaches, but always unafraid and unashamed. We should prayerfully consider and pursue options that, at first glance, seem idiotic, even suicidal (e.g., planting a church and Jesus movement among the ISIS community). This is simply Calvary love personified; the love of Christ will constrain us to ask God to open doors (even the most barricaded and dangerous ones) for us to enter. Church planting of this sort must be wild, interfering, determined, creative. We want to do all we can to resource a cadre of the fiercest and most devoted church planting warriors of our time. We want to be known for our naked aggression not our calm calculations. We are looking for a few good warriors – and we would like you to join us. If my description above stirs anything within you, then Evangel is for you. Our commitment is to provide the members of our alliance with the camaraderie, connections, and care necessary so that together we can be empowered to fulfill God’s call to multiply laborers and plant healthy churches in places where Jesus

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