Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar
Where Do We Go From Here? Identifying, Equipping, and Releasing Indigenous Leaders
Dr. Keith Phillips • World Impact 40th Anniversary Celebration • October 31, 2010
I. The Kingdom of God Is in a Spiritual Battle
A. Clearly felt in inner cities of America
B. We have the ammunition to fight the good fight of faith
1. Spirit of God, who gave us the Word, councils and creeds, and guides the Church today
2. Strategy, to launch indigenously-led church-plant movements
3. TUMI, to train the leaders God gives us
4. Partnerships (Prison Fellowship, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, the Evangelical Free Church of America, Francis Chan)
5. A wise and dedicated Board
C. We need to fortify
1. The officers
2. The field commanders
3. The troops
D. Many challenges
1. Broken family
2. Culture of distrust and suspicion
3. Multi-cultural complexity
4. New trends
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