Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar

14 Fit to Represent: Vision for Discipleship Seminar ▪

E. The American Church does not believe that the inner city is salvageable

1. God wants to win the city through an army of indigenous leaders

2. The Holy Spirit is calling indigenous Christian leaders from among the unreached urban poor

II. City Team

A. Reaffirm our church-planting principles

B. PLANT Acrostic/10 Principles document

III. Where Do We Go from Here?

A. Variety of models and strategies

B. Invigorate our staff to be even more empowered in finding and raising up urban leaders.

C. Have our efforts (approaches) been effective in:

1. Recruiting and identifying indigenous leaders?

2. Equipping and empowering (releasing) them?


evangelism Oikos

1. Relational network of friends and family

2. Look for someone who is both

a. Responsive to you

b. Influential

3. Leader of group of skaters; a patriarch of a family from Mexico; a child who has influence with her parents

E. Many helpful tools

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