Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar
Where Do We Go from Here? ▪ 15
IV. We Want to Raise up Indigenous Urban Leaders
A. Within World Impact
B. In conjunction with like-minded denominations, churches and organizations
C. Charismatic/gifted leaders outside of World Impact
V. World Impact Associates
A. Concept
1. Goal:
2. Definition:
3. Penetrate ethnic groups not traditionally targeted
4. Candidacy (criterion)
a. Competent in doctrine; biblical training (TUMI or other background)
b. Committed to, and able to communicate/teach PLANT, 10 Principles and World Impact Affirmation of Faith
c. In agreement with World Impact approach (principles, doctrine, spirituality)
d. Understands TUMI
5. Prepared to represent World Impact
6. Meet with RVP for assignments
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