Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar

16 Fit to Represent: Vision for Discipleship Seminar ▪

B. Structure

1. RVP can cease the relationship any time. No on-going expectation of indefinite relationship; for a period or season of time

2. Paid as an independent contractor (not employee). No benefits: no on-going obligation to pay the independent contractor (no financial commitment). No time cards Theological World Impact and Strategic Commitments, but implemented by their individual methods 3. Free to carry out the work consistent with


offers World Impact

1. Resources (tool kit)

2. Personal input by RVP or designate

3. Funding

4. Licensing

D. Show structure (see pages 20-22)

VI. Each Region/City Develops Strategic Goals for the Next Year.

A. Goals to foster indigeneity

1. Potential indigenous leaders

2. Identified indigenous leaders being discipled

3. Healthy churches being planted

B. Submit 2011 plan to RVP by Dec 31

C. Evaluate strategic goals: accountability

You may download this outline and view the videos of Dr. Phillips at: Indigenousleaders

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