Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar
38 Fit to Represent: Vision for Discipleship Seminar ▪
3. Christlikeness as the goal of the Christian life, Rom. 8.29; 2 Cor. 3.17-18; 1 John 3.1-3; Phil. 2.5-11; 1 Cor. 11.1; 1 Pet. 2.21ff.
4. Imitation – good, bad, or ugly?
B. The Responsibility to be a
(What the discipler
1. The modern example: coach
2. Primary misconceptions
a. Being a task master: accountability alone (pretending to be the Holy Spirit in another’s life)
b. Low expectations – non-interference as the goal
c. Inability to balance encouragement and challenge
3. Tasks, skills, and “playing your position”
4. Excellence derived from continuous application (faithfulness): The primary standard for stewarding God’s mysteries
C. The Responsibility to be a
(How the discipler
1. “Yoke fellow” (Phil. 4.3) – the discipler as fellow stranger and alien
2. Primary misconceptions
a. Friends must be indirect in their teaching
b. Friends do not interfere
c. Friendship precludes admonition and accountability
3. Becoming an elder brother or sister, John 1.12-13
a. Mutuality as the goal of all discipleship
b. Soul friendship: walking together in mutual agreement and desire
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