Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar

Introduction ▪ 39

c. Both giving and receiving: the reciprocation in all healthy discipling relationships

4. Nurturing a godly friendship

a. Aristotle’s three kinds of friendship

(1) friends: a person who is a friend because they bring Utility some kind of advantage to your situation

(2) friends: a person who is a friend as long as you enjoy Pleasure their company and share common interests

(3) friend: a person who is committed to the same purposes Soul and heart as you, as if you had a single soul

b. The importance of dialogue: open communication

c. The importance of honesty: revealing one’s heart

d. The importance of mutuality: two-way street

5. The special nature of friendship

a. Sharpening one another, Prov.27.27

b. Sticks closer than a brother, Prov. 18.24

c. Loves at all times, Prov.17.17

d. Whose wounds are faithful, Prov. 27.6

III. The Whys and the Whats of Discipling in the Church

A. Why disciple in the Church?

– his desire is to locus of God’s concern in the world

1. The church is the

form a new humanity in the Church

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