Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar
40 Fit to Represent: Vision for Discipleship Seminar ▪
2. The Church is the agent of God in his mission to reconcile the world to himself
, the revelation of himself to a fallen body of Christ
3. The Church is the
4. Reasons why making disciples in and through the Church makes good sense
a. Discipling is the Church: discipleship that is legitimate in reinforces commitment to the people of God
the Church: discipleship should occur through
b. Discipling is
under the legitimate authority of church leaders
c. Discipling is the Church: when discipleship works, local for assemblies grow in depth and in number!
B. What are some biblical examples of discipling?
1. Moses and Joshua, Num. 27.15-20, cf. Josh. 1.1-2
2. Elijah and Elisha, 1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2
3. David and his “mighty men,” 1 Chron. 12
4. Naomi and Ruth, Ruth 1
5. Jesus and the Twelve, Mark 3.14
6. Barnabas with Paul, cf. Acts 9; 15; 11.22-26
7. Paul and Timothy (and his band), Acts 20.4; cf. Phil. 2.20-22
8. Aquila and Priscilla with Apollos, Acts 18.24-28
of discipling in the Church? nature
C. What is the
1. Personal example and pace-setting, 1 Cor. 11.1
2. Intercession and prevailing prayer, Eph. 1.15-23
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