Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar

Introduction ▪ 41

3. Personal contact and association (“to be with him,” Mark 3.14)

4. Personal representatives, Phil. 2.19-23

5. Personal correspondence (the Epistles), Gal. 1.1-4

6. Personal delegation and oversight of ministry, Acts 15.36, 41

IV. The Role of the Word of God in Effective Discipling in the Church

A. As the final authority regarding all matters of faith and practice, Isa. 8.20; 2 Pet. 1.20-21; 1 Pet. 1.22-25

1. Final authority about what we believe

2. Final authority about who we are

3. Final authority concerning how we ought to live

The Principle of Correspondence: We are to act as if the Word of God is true in everything it asserts, declares, and affirms, regardless of how things appear or seem.

B. As the main content of the discipling curricula, John 8.31-32

1. We are who God says we . are

2. We have what God says we . have

3. We can do all God says we can . do

. will be

4. We will be what God says we

C. As the central instrument in preparing the disciple for the work of the ministry, 2 Tim. 3.16-17

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