Focus on Reproduction, Mentor's Guide, MG12
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The Scriptures provide a number of clear examples of God’s leaders in a mentoring and modeling role. This includes notable cases such as Moses and Joshua, Elijah and Elisha, David and his “mighty men,” Naomi and Ruth, Jesus and the Twelve, and Paul and Timothy. In the apostles’ practice of discipling emerging congregations and leaders, certain key elements are seen again and again. These include their own personal example, their loving pastoral care, and faithful intercession and prayer on their behalf. We also see that they maintained ongoing personal contact with them, sent representatives to communicate to them, sent personal correspondence to them, and delegated to them both responsibility and authority as the need arose. The roles of the disciple-maker in the church can be summarized in the images of the discipler as a model (personal example), as a mentor (as one who coaches another to excellence), and as a friend (as one who befriends another for mutual support and care). All efforts toward the encouragement and training of developing disciples must be done with a commitment to and in the context of the local church. The local assembly of believers is the critical context of the church, not only for nurturing new believers to maturity, but also for identifying and equipping leaders for ministry. As we assemble believers in the church and nurture them through follow-up and discipleship, we can see growth occur which will lead to a strong, healthy, and dynamic church being planted in the city. Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students in depth questions about follow-up and discipleship. Your own ministry for Christ will undoubtedly intersect with these important practices. That is, you will have plenty of opportunity in your work to follow up new Christians and welcome them to the family, as well as help immature believers get on the path to maturity. As you have reflected on these truths, perhaps certain issues and themes have come to mind related to your own life and ministry. In light of your own situation today, what would you say are the issues you need to clarify and resolve as you pursue this kind of work in the body? What issues have
Student Application and Implications
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