Focus on Reproduction, Mentor's Guide, MG12

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come to light as you have studied and analyzed these concepts? The questions below are designed to work with your own questions in this more personal exploration of these practices. * Have you ever been followed up in the body of Christ, in other words, were you welcomed and introduced properly into the faith in the context of a local church? Who befriended you when you first came to Christ? Were you baptized immediately and did you join the church? Why or why not? * Who discipled you in the faith? Did a person or group take personal interest in your own development and assist you to grow in your own spiritual walk and personal witness? If you weren’t discipled, how would you say you grew in your Christian life–describe the kind of walk you have had since you came to Jesus. * What effect do you think your own follow-up and discipleship has had on your view of these ideas? In other words, can you see how your own experience of being followed up and discipled has either positively or negatively affected your view of them? * Does the leadership in the church where you currently attend and serve emphasize the need for follow-up and discipleship? What methods and opportunities for this does it provide for those who desire to grow? Does it actually offer courses in helping members follow up and disciple others? * In your current responsibility at the church, who is responsible for your training and development? How often do you meet with them about your own growth? What do you need to ask your mentors for that would help you continue to grow in Christ and in ministry? * In what ways might you be able to volunteer your time and service to disciple others, either in your own church setting, or to help with a new ministry or church plant you know of? * Has the Holy Spirit ever given you the sense that he would like to you disciple in a more formal capacity, either as a leader, a deacon or elder, or even as a pastor? How have you responded to these leadings? What does he seem to be saying now about this role for you in your life? * What specific areas in your life today require your attention in order to get to a place to offer more of your life and time to follow up and disciple others?


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