Generating Kingdom Momentum
22 • G enerating K ingdom M omentum
Representing God: Living as an Emissary of the Most High , continued
John 20.21 – Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you .”
1. Jesus fulfills the duties of being the emissary of God (see appendix Representin’: Jesus as God’s Chosen Representative )
a. He received an assignment from the Father, John 10.17-18.
b. He was empowered by God’s entrustment of the Holy Spirit, John 3.34; Luke 4.18.
c. He engaged in the mission with wholeheartedly and unreserved obedience, John 5.30.
d. He was judged by the One who sent him to be faithful and true, Matt. 3.16-17.
e. He fulfilled his task with perfect compliance with the Father’s will, even to the point of death, Phil. 2.5-8.
f. He was exalted and rewarded by God as a result of his faithful commission with never ending glory and honor, Phil. 2.9-11.
2. Revealed in his life and ministry
a. The Baptism of Jesus: the commissioning and confirmation of God’s representative, Mark 1.9-11
b. The Temptations of Jesus: the challenge presented to God’s representative, Mark 1.12-13
c. The Public Ministry of Jesus: communication and display of God’s representative, Mark 1.14-15
d. Understanding Leadership as Representation: The Six Stages of Formal Proxy (see Appendix)
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