Generating Kingdom Momentum
A ppendix • 23
Representing God: Living as an Emissary of the Most High , continued
“You Got to Serve Somebody!”
Over half of the metaphors chosen by Jesus describe someone who is under the authority of another. Often the word selected is one member of a familiar role pair, such as child (of a father, pater ), servant (of a master, kyrios ), or disciple (of a teacher, didaskalos ). Other images of those under authority include the shepherd ( poimen ) who tends a flock that belongs to another, the worker ( ergates ) hired by the land owner ( oikodespotes ), the apostle ( apostolos ) commissioned by his superior, and the sheep ( probaton ) obeying the voice of the shepherd. It is interesting to note that even though the disciples are being prepared for spiritual leadership in the Church, Jesus places far more emphasis on their responsibility to God’s authority, than on the authority which they themselves will exercise. There is far more instruction about the role of following than about the role of leading .
~ David Bennett. The Metaphors of Ministry . p. 62
II. Follow the Dynamics of Representation
The following dynamics constitute the active stages and actions involved in every assignment of responsibility for an emissary, envoy, or representative. A representative is one who receives a mandate, one who is sent somewhere to say and do something for someone who empowers them to speak and act on their behalf. These dynamics form the body of the actual act of delegation to a representative, and through them we can understand both the phases and styles of representative leadership.
A. The Commissioning : a representative receives a formal selection and call to represent.
1. An emissary is chosen to be an envoy or proxy.
2. This selection is confirmed both by the sender and the one sent; it is neither arbitrary or self-determined.
3. The call is a commission to something: to a particular position, task, or mission .
4. The call includes both privilege and responsibility .
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