God the Father, Mentor's Guide, MG06

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I. The Wrath of God the Father Almighty

Video Segment 2 Outline

A. Definition (J. I. Packer, wrath of God refers to “the outgoing of God in retributive action, by whatever means, against those who have defied him,” Knowing God , p. 149).

If we would know God, it is vital that we face the truth concerning his wrath, however unfashion- able it may be, and however strong our initial prejudices against it. Otherwise, we shall not under- stand the Gospel of salvation from wrath, nor the propitiatory achievement of the cross, nor the wonder of the redeeming love of God. ~ J. I. Packer. Knowing God . Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1993. p. 156.

1. The “outgoing of God . . . ”: the wrath of God is an expression of God’s very nature and being (i.e., the Bible contains an equal amount of references on the subject of his anger, fury, and wrath as his love).

2. “ . . . in retributive action . . .”: the wrath of God is displayed in acts of retribution, as a response to those who have rejected his pleas for repentance and/or change.

3. “ . . . by whatever means . . .”: the wrath of God can be demonstrated by flood or fire; only his sovereignty determines his methods.

4. “ . . . against those who have defied him”: the wrath of God (like the love of God) is directed toward the objects of his wrath in actions he selects.


B. Aspects of God’s wrath

1. Negative elements: what the wrath of God is not

a. It is not done in a capricious way (impulsive, spontaneous, unthinking response).

b. It is never applied without cause (applied foolishly or unjustly).

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