God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10
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a. The empty tomb: wouldn’t a simple credible explanation other than the resurrection account for the fact that it is still empty ?
b. The absence of Jesus’ body: why didn’t opposition simply produce the body and crush this sect in one fatal blow ?
c. The abundance of witnesses who saw the Risen Jesus, cf. 1 Cor. 15. 3-9: how would so many arrange to harmonize the details of their lie about Jesus’ rising ?
d. The transformation of the disciples: why would the Apostles risk their very lives for a faith they knew to be false ?
e. The creation of Christian community and faith: no reason for its existence seems to make sense if Christ did not raise .
f. The formation of the New Testament: if Jesus remained in the grave, shouldn’t this story, so untrue and fanciful, have fizzled out long before now ?
2. The resurrection is outward sign of confirmation and validation for Jesus’ triumph over death, the devil, and all the effects of the curse, 1 Cor. 15.24-28.
3. We ourselves will share in the very same corporeal glory that Jesus currently possesses: our body will be conformed to his pattern exactly.
a. Rom. 8.29
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