God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10

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As you conclude your studies in this module, are there any issues, persons, situations, or opportunities that need to be prayed for as a result of your studies in this lesson? What particular issues or people has God laid upon your heart that require focused supplication and prayer for in this lesson? Take the time to ponder this, and receive the necessary support in counsel and prayer for what the Spirit has shown you.

Counseling and Prayer

No assignment due.

Scripture Memory

No assignment due.

Reading Assignment

Your ministry project and your exegetical project should now be outlined, determined, and accepted by your instructor. Make sure that you plan ahead, so you will not be late in turning in your assignments.

Other Assignments

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The final will be a take home exam, and will include questions taken from the first three quizzes, new questions on material drawn from this lesson, and essay questions which will ask for your short answer responses to key integrating questions. Also, you should plan on reciting or writing out the verses memorized for the course on the exam. When you have completed your exam, please notify your mentor and make certain that they get your copy. Please note: Your module grade cannot be determined if you do not take the final exam and turn in all outstanding assignments to your mentor (ministry project, exegetical project, and final exam). In this final lesson we have examined two of the events which dramatically mark the exaltation of Christ, his resurrection which serves to vindicate his identity as Messiah and God’s son, and his ascension, which establishes our Lord in a position of glory, priestly representation, and kingship. The risen and exalted Lord will and must reign until all enemies have been put under his feet. At God’s own time he will return in glory, to judge the living and the dead and establish God’s eternal Kingdom on earth.

Final Exam Notice


The Last Word about this Module

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