God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10

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declared in the creedal affirmations. If time allows, seek to “unpack” other key elements in conjunction with the broad ideas and concepts. The first priority, though, is to ensure that the students are clear on the main concepts of Jesus’ return covered in the creedal confession about the Second Coming of Christ.

As the resurrection, ascension, and Second Coming play such a significant role in our Christian faith and practice, it will be important during the case studies that you strive to help the students understand the practical ramifications of these doctrines for their lives. One of the great tragedies in much teaching today is that our doctrinal instruction creates an impassable gulf between what we apparently believe and what we explicitly practice. We must help our students to learn theology for the sake of practice, and to understand their practice through the lens of theology. We do both a disservice when we fail to connect our theology and practice together in one integrated move. As Tertullian suggested, “Divine Scripture has ever far-reaching applications. After the immediate sense has been exhausted, it fortifies the practice of the religious life in all directions,” (Bercot, A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs , p. 338). Try to help bridge the gap between the doctrines of the resurrection, ascension, and the Second Coming, and the practical ramifications for life and ministry that flow from them. With the completion of this lesson, you will need to turn your attention to the administration of the assignments within the course. Now, your work as both as assessor and grader will need to begin in earnest. Please make certain that you have received commitments from all the students regarding their ministry projects, exegetical projects, and other data together as this will be important for you to determine the student’s overall grade. Again, provide clear communication about your policies regarding late work. As mentioned before, do not hesitate to tell the students that you reserve the right to dock points from unexcused late work, which may in fact result in letter grade changes, or give students an “Incomplete” until their work is finished.

8 Page 152 Case Studies

9 Page 155 Assignments

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