God the Son, Student Workbook, SW10

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A. His coming is certain .

B. The judgment is awesome .

C. The kingdom stakes are unbelievably high .

D. Our mission is clear : go and make disciples of Jesus among all nations as quickly as possible, Matt. 28.18-20.

At His coming, only the righteous will rejoice. For they look for the things that have been promised them. And the subsistence of the affairs of this world will no longer be maintained. Rather, all things will be destroyed. ~ Disputation of Archelaus and Manes (c. 320, E), 6.2111. Ibid. p. 606.


» The last three clauses in the Christological section of the Nicene Creed speak of Christ’s coming in glory, his coming judgment of all people, and his coming eternal reign. » Because our Lord Jesus is risen and exalted, he deserves our highest worship and best service. » We must strive to make him known, both in his humiliation and exaltation to our neighborhoods, cities, and world for he alone is Lord, and he alone shall reign. The following questions were designed to help you review the material in the second video segment. The Nicene Creed supplies us with a clear and compelling summary of the biblical witness of Christ’s coming in glory, his coming judgment of all people, and his coming eternal reign. Your grasp of this material is crucial, both in terms of your own personal discipleship, and just as importantly, for your witness and ministry. Review the material in the segment through these questions, and highlight your answer with solid biblical support. 1. What are the characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? Why must we assert that his coming will be both personal and visible (cf. Acts 1.11)? What role will angelic beings play in his glorious coming? All glory to his name. Amen!


Segue 2

Student Questions and Response

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