Healing the Wounds of Trauma
W e thank all those who have contributed to make this book what it is. First of all, we recognize the Christians in Africa whose suffering compelled us to look at Scripture with fresh eyes and be engaged by it. We acknowledge the seminal work by Rhiannon Lloyd and Kristine Bresser in Healing the Wounds of Ethnic Conflict: the Role of the Church in Healing, Forgiveness and Reconciliation (Mercy Ministries Interna- tional, Geneva, Switzerland) that emerged from the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide in 1994. This book has evolved thanks to themany church leaders from the majority world who have used these materials with their people and provided insight and feedback on how to communicate effectively to those suffering from trauma. We thank them for their passion and companionship. We thank Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL, who encouraged us to respond to the trauma needs of the people we had grown to love, and who supported our efforts to do so. We thank themanymental health professionals who have contrib- uted their expertise to the development of these materials. We espe- cially thank the members of the Trauma Healing Advisory Council. We thank the many volunteers who have taught or translated these materials so people and communities broken by trauma can be restored to well being. We thank the many donors who have enabled this ministry to spread by word of mouth, especially Mrs. Swannie te Velde, who funded the first publication of the book in 2004. Most of all, we bring our thanks and praise to Jesus Christ, who took all the suffering of the whole world upon himself on the cross, and whose wounds bring us healing (1 P 2.24).
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