Healing the Wounds of Trauma
real danger is better than imagining all sorts of dangers that are not true. At the same time, parents should not exaggerate the danger or speak of all the bad things that could possibly happen. Parents shouldmake a plan for what they will do if something else bad happens and discuss it openly with the family. D. Have family devotions daily. Especially in times of trouble, families should find some time each day to talk together as a family. A good time is at the end of the day. Each person, young and old, should talk about what he has seen or felt that day. Small children also need a chance to talk and to give their prayer requests. Then the family can pray and sing together. Remember, as soon as children can talk to other people, they can talk to God. Bad things can bring a family closer together if they are handled in the right way. Often, small children do not understand death. They expect the person to come back. They ask questions like: “Why did God let this happen? Will he let it happen to me? Was it my fault? What will happen to the body after it’s buried?” Some of their questions may be difficult to answer completely, but parents should answer as best they can and in ways that encourage the child to trust God. Each family member needs to be helped to know that God is still there and cares for him or her. Each person could choose a verse to memorize. For example: • Psalm 121.4: God is a watchman who never sleeps • Proverbs 3.5: God wants us to trust him • Matthew 11.29: God is gentle and patient ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION 1. Traditionally, do parents in your area listen to their children? Do they talk with them? If they do not, why not? 2. How do these practices and beliefs compare with Scripture? Read Mark 10.13–16 and Deuteronomy 6.4–9. • 1 Peter 5.7: God can take all our fears • Psalm 23: God takes care of all our needs • Psalm 46.1: God is always there as our refuge
How can we help children who have experienced bad things?
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