Healing the Wounds of Trauma

A. Caregivers may be caring for too many people. Caregivers may think they are indispensable to God’s work and have to personally care for everyone. Churchmembers may think that the pastor has to do everything. They may want to talk only to a pastor or priest and no one else. B. Caregivers can be the object of people’s anger. People who have experienced trauma are often angry. They can some- times lash out, without reason, at the people around them. This can include caregivers, even though they are only trying to help. When this happens, caregivers must recognize that the hurt person is not really angry with them. They must not take it personally. C. Caregivers may be manipulated by people. Some people who come with problems are not really seeking solutions. They want to blame others, but are not willing to change themselves. If caregivers try to confront them about their part in the problem, they might try to change the subject. These people can take up a lot of time. Caregivers need to discern those who really want help from those who are merely seeking attention.


Caring for the Caregiver

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