Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Jesus Cropped from the Picture

I am also grateful for the many hours of discussion with Dr. Rick Durrance, Senior Pastor at Emmanuel Church. Without his insight I would not have been able to articulate my observations.

My personal angst took me on a journey where I had to suspend judgment to gain insight about my assumptions. I was surprised by the depth of those presuppositions. Therefore, I encourage readers to suspend their judgment until the conclusion of the book. I know my explanations come from my own experience and that many readers may find various aspects at odds with their own. Because I am trying to describe a wide range of historical periods and Christian traditions, space limitations force me to make broad generalizations at the risk of drawing offensive caricatures. My summaries of Church history, Christian movements, and faith traditions are presented with humility, for the purpose of creating clearly-understood categories that open the way for Christ to be exalted and bored Christians restored to vibrant faith. Despite my oversimplifications, my prayer is that you will be stunned by the ingenious plan of the Father, refreshed by a broader appreciation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and confident that your church can experience new adventure under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


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