Jesus Cropped from the Picture
More Identity, Less Method
Rationalism suggests people must understand before they believe, putting the burden on the person making the argument. But as Webber said, “One must come to the Christian faith believing that it is true and embrace it as such without any dependence on data outside the faith. Christianity requires trust, a believing embrace, a willingness to step inside its story apart from any dependence on historical, scientific, or rational persuasion.” 136 Fortunately, there are solid answers for people with genuine questions, but the answers are simple, and can be learned by illiterate people, even children. For example, one piece of evidence is the centuries-long perseverance of One Church (despite her flaws), demonstrated by her commitment to Great Tradition. God’s preservation of the Jewish people also confirms his existence. The life, miracles, and resurrection of Christ, revealed in the Scriptures, are a compelling metanarrative that welcomes every culture to join his Story. For those who want to believe, there is a mountain of good scientific and philosophical apologetics for virtually every objection ever raised. But for those who choose unbelief, no amount of evidence will ever be enough . Therefore, people do not have to be won by clever argumentation but can simply be invited to follow Jesus . If they do not believe, it is not due to the Traditionals’ failure to respond to complex and Rationalistic questions; it is the hearer’s refusal to believe the Story.
Abandoning Substitute Centers Some Traditionals will be reticent to give up their interest in a Substitute Center (see Chapter 11). A focus on Christ and his Kingdommust relegate
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