Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Jesus Cropped from the Picture
The Kingdom of God suggests that there is a task to fulfill that is more comprehensive than “my personal relationship with God.” Jesus lived, died, and rose for more than “my personal salvation.” He had a Throne to restore and an enemy to vanquish (Conquest), and now he wants to continue his victorious campaign through the actions of his Rescued bride. Clearly, the goal of human history is to bring glory to the Son through the establishment of his Kingdom (Eph. 1.19-23). For many years scientists have searched for what is called the Grand Unifying Theorem (GUT), which could explain everything in one giant equation. GUT is the attempt to explain what seems “unreachable, diverse, and disjunctive. It will make sense of the physical universe. The Kingdom can serve as the GUT, not just of the Bible, but of all we do, think, and are—indeed, of all existence and of all the universe.” 27 In Ephesians, Paul summed up God’s “grand unifying” plan by saying he has made “known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth” (Eph. 1.9-10).
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