Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Chapter 5: The Second Cropping Tool: Rationalism

T HE EFFORT TO reduce the gospel to a simpler message led to Individualism. However, there was another cultural dynamic at work that helped crop Jesus from the picture : a tendency to use analytical approaches with a focus on the mind (Rationalism).

Rationalism, a product of the Enlightenment, attempts to reduce ideas to their simplest forms. It uses logic and sequencing to organize information into systems.

Rationalism is Not A Bad Thing The Enlightenment had a dramatic effect on the world. Centuries of analytical thinking have produced wonderful advances in medicine and technology, resulting in life-saving conveniences and improvements in the quality of life. These benefits have been among God’s instruments to win back what was lost (Luke 19.10), extending blessing to people all over the earth, not just those in the developed world. Therefore, Rationalism is not wrong or evil. However, analytical thinking is only one way of understanding truth. 28 One can grow in Christlike wisdom through symbol, image, experience, and intuition, not just through analytical thinking. Rationalism makes certain assumptions that are not always conducive to biblical thinking. It assumes most questions have an answer, a cause-and-effect. It sees the world as orderly and transparent, where science is equipped to de-mystify the universe. Facts are used as the means to break reality down into its component parts. The rational mind despises mystery


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