Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Jesus Cropped from the Picture

any direct application to our lives. We were happy we did not get sleepy. It passed the tests of a successful seminar.

Upon reflection, it occurred to me that the criteria Cathy and I used to evaluate our seminar are identical to the ones Americans are taught to use when evaluating a worship service: An applicable topic, given by a knowledgeable and interesting presenter The right learning environment, with comfortable seats, and the right room temperature Warm-up activities before the teaching starts Information transfer as the primary purpose of the event, presented in a form that could be easily remembered and applied Using this criteria, pastors have become seminar coordinators ; personal coaches to help people live the Christian life. Each Sunday has become a “How to Follow Jesus” seminar, where the preacher is the performer and the people are silent spectators. Worship as Celebration Our seminar experience made me think about what worship services should be . If not a seminar, what should they be? All worship gatherings should be a celebration , not a seminar! Worship services are for God, not the people. Jesus should be the focus of a joyous remembrance of his past victories, glorious presence, and future return.

At celebrations , activities are oriented around the person being celebrated (the guest of honor). The music, decorations, and themes are chosen based on the guest of honor , not the celebrators. Satisfaction comes not by


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