Jesus Cropped from the Picture

How Does it Apply to Me?

each celebrator “getting something out of it,” but in witnessing the joy of the person being honored.

Virtually no one would be upset if the chairs were uncomfortable, the temperature too hot, or the music not to their liking. As long as the guest of honor enjoyed the event, it would be deemed a success. There would be no expectation of an eloquent speech with direct, personal application to the celebrators’ lives, because the reason for the gathering was to extol the honored guest . When worship services become a celebration of the Story, the pastor is liberated to be an event host rather than a seminar coordinator . Jesus becomes the center of attention. The music is chosen for his benefit, not the celebrators in the pews. All the activities, including teaching, singing, communion, testimonies, and announcements are prepared with excellence for the Lord’s benefit , not to please an audience looking for a seminar. Worship becomes a gathering to sing, tell stories of the past, hear testimonies about the present, and to look forward to a glorious future when he returns to save his people.

Every time Christians gather, they should celebrate the past, present, and future work of God.

The problem is that Christians have been trained to come to church for a seminar. They have been trained to receive a Rationalistic, structured, methodical, logical, verse-by-verse exposition of Scripture, with direct application to their lives. If the worship service does not meet their seminar expectations, they may not come back. They may choose a different church with a better seminar program, or choose to attend an


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