Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Chapter 7: EPIC or SLIM?

I N PREVIOUS CHAPTERS , it was argued that Individualism and Rationalism are the two culprits producing boredom in the American church. In Figure 10, Individualism/Rationalism is expressed as a “ SLIM ” worldview. A Limited World View of Christian Faith (SLIM) Spectator-oriented (S): The posture of Christian life; primarily soaking in information, practicing personal ethics, and waiting until Jesus returns. Linguistic (L) : The message of Truth is made primarily through words, propositional statements, logic, and outlines. Individualistic (I) : The central aspect of a believer’s life is “my personal relationship with Christ.” The central organizing principle is personal salvation and sanctification. Christ is “my savior.” Mental (M) : Truth is aimed primarily at the mind. By contrast, the Kingdom Story is expressed as an “ EPIC ” 47 worldview (see Figure 11). A Larger View of Christian Faith (EPIC) Experiential (E) : The Truth of the Kingdom is to be experienced by the whole person (mind, will, emotions), not just the mind. It is Mental...and more. Participative (P) : A Christian is a representative of Christ’s Kingdom work, carrying out the on-going victory over the devil’s kingdom through the Church. Believers are not static spectators waiting for death, but dynamic participants in Kingdom activity. It is Spectator...and more. Image-rich (I) : The use of Rationalism is too limiting to be the sole means of delivering truth. Images are frequently used in the Bible and should be employed as ways to theologize, worship, disciple, and do outreach. It is Linguistic...and more. Christ-centered (C) : The individual is not the SUBJECT of Christian faith. Jesus and his Kingdom purpose is the SUBJECT . Christ is not only “my savior” but also “The Savior.” It includes individuals, but is primarily about Christ’s Kingdom. Figure 10: SLIM

Figure 11: EPIC


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