Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Jesus Cropped from the Picture

It is important to emphasize that various the elements of SLIM are not wrong or heretical . There are important spectator, linguistic, individualistic, and mental aspects of Christian faith. However, it is the thick border placed around SLIM that causes problems (see Figure 12). If the border is removed allowing a larger worldview, it becomes EPIC.

Figure 12: SLIM and EPIC Worldviews

SLIM (with a thick border) is simply too static, provincial, limited, and constraining to produce vibrant Christian faith. It does not “take your breath away.” EPIC is an acrostic describing a broader, wider, more comprehensive biblical worldview, encouraging dynamic, vibrant Christian living. Implications of SLIM A SLIM approach can lead to unhealthy mindsets. When my personal salvation and sanctification becomes the key organizing principle of life, self-actualization has replaced the Lordship of Christ. Suffering becomes the primary issue to avoid, and therapy is the fall-back response to every problem. If the individual is at the center, and a counselor is trained to analyze problems using Rationalism through cause-and-effect solutions,


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