Jesus Cropped from the Picture
therapy becomes a logical response to all situations. This is why America has more counselors than librarians and one-third of the world’s psychiatrists. 48
While there are many instances of mental illness where professional counseling is helpful and appropriate, most Americans do not need therapy as much as they need a larger perspective outside themselves. They need transcendence, not more pre-occupation with Self . It has become acceptable to be narcissistic, even in the church. People are no longer ashamed to admit their narcissism. “Feeling good about yourself” is replacing the Christian’s need for repentance and forgiveness for the sinful things they do. Believers are looking deeper into themselves, or seek meaning in sports, shopping, politics, music, sex, or even church. Curtis and Eldredge said, “All of these smaller stories offer a taste of meaning, adventure, or connectedness. But none of them offer the real thing; they aren’t large enough. Our loss of confidence in a larger story is the reason we demand immediate gratification. We need a sense of being alive now, for now is all we have. Without a past that was planned for us, and a future that waits for us, we are trapped in the present. There’s not enough room for our souls in the present.” 49 It is no wonder people are bored. They are distracted by their own self-evaluation. When enough people adopt a SLIM mentality, a church becomes a club of nice people who meet regularly to learn more about God. The inevitable result is complacency, boredom and discouragement. The SLIM life is a static life.
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