Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Implications of EPIC An EPIC existence is a life of perpetual opportunity. Each day promises a plethora of ways to join Christ in his effort to defeat the enemy’s kingdom by doing good in the world. Christians can give a cup of cold water to someone, comfort the grieving, encourage the weak, warn the idle, persevere in midst of discouragement and pain, adopt a child, do excellent work at their jobs, serve their families by cleaning the house, provide medical care, help the poor, show mercy and compassion, set up chairs for a church meeting, share the good news of salvation, make a meal for a neighbor, listen to a hurting person without offering a solution, protect the vulnerable, advocate for the elderly or immigrant, defend people against cruel or ethnic jokes, resist temptation, provide justice in the public arena, or contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. The seemingly endless list can go on and on. An EPIC view helps Christians see that God is at work everywhere. The Holy Spirit is busy glorifying Christ, empowering his people to do good works around the world. The Father is active in the events of history. The Son is mediating for the Church. All three persons of the Trinity are actively rebuilding what the devil destroyed. Because God is acting through the Church, relationships are restored, addictions are broken, love is expressed, lonely people experience comradery, and the brokenhearted find hope. Accordingly, an EPIC life is a persistent and joyful engagement against all that causes pain and loss. The Church is constantly on the move, seeking to transform ugliness into something beautiful. EPIC Christians are eager to enjoy one another, welcome new people into their
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