Let God Arise!

For a Dynamic Spiritual Awakening

Regardless of the terms used in scholarly literature on God’s visitation in revival or awakenings (e.g., revival, renewal, refreshing, revelation, etc.), the reality spoken of within these materials all refers to the same truth. What is this truth? These materials all point toward the need, above all else, of God’s presence as the critical factor in all renewal and witness for the Kingdom. America’s inner cities today especially demand a fresh visitation from the Lord. God must arise in the city; he must come down and scatter his enemies, and shed abroad his goodness and provision. The Holy Spirit must make his presence known to the city if it is to be won for Christ. Nothing short of God’s own presence in the city will suffice. No other solutions hold the promise of lasting or comprehensive change occurring in the lives of the millions who languish in the city. None of the typical


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