Let God Arise!
answers can touch the lives of so many; no solutions of government, social philanthropy, political or jurispru- dential reform, or the hiring of more policemen and crime fighters or eliminating various kinds of “immoral elements” in impoverished neighborhoods will overcome the spiritual powers and principalities which plague our inner city communities. Spiritual needs must be met with spiritual resources. Neither will an anemic, sluggish, and worldly minded church accomplish this task of setting the captives free. We are called as believers to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might (Eph. 6.10-12). Jesus is the Warrior of God who will consummate God’s victory on earth at his Second Coming (cf. Rev. 19.8ff). Only when Christ reveals himself, he who alone is able to bind “the strong man of the devil” and set his captives free (cf. Matt. 12.25-30), can we expect the freedom, wholeness, and justice of the Kingdom to liberate the lost in the city.
Entreat the Favor of the Lord for Global and Local Concerns
Because we wholeheartedly believe that God loves all peoples everywhere, we concentrate our prayer efforts with an emphasis on both global and local concerns.
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