Let God Arise!



“Global” concerns mean that every time we gather we do not merely pray for the needs of America’s inner cities alone, but for the needs of the entire globe, in cities, nations, and among people groups where the Church of Jesus Christ is bearing witness, as well as for all those who have not yet heard of the saving gospel of the Lord. We believe in the Nicene Creed, that there is only one, holy, catholic (universal), and apostolic Church, and that what concerns Christians anywhere ought to concern Christians everywhere. We also believe in the Great Commission of Jesus, that the Church has been called for these last two millennia to bear witness to the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ among every people group on earth. We therefore pray for the Awakening of the Church of Jesus Christ everywhere, pleading to God to act for congregations of believers wherever they gather, in other nations and continents, all with an intent that God will glorify himself among his people wherever they meet. “Local” concerns must equally capture our attention and petition. By local we mean the particular church which we belong to, the churches in our denomination and immediate neighboring community, and the church in our locale or region. Each region of the church has its own peculiar and unique issues, challenges, and

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