Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y
• Become able to defend the truth that Christ is both the foundation and centrality of a growing Christian’s life, and demonstrate from the Bible how that occurs. • Understand the various elements of God’s Story as outlined in Scripture, i.e., the biblical time line of God’s salvation history in the work of Jesus Christ. • Show how the New Testament outlines the life and ministry of Christ, and how the Church practices and celebrates that life and work through the Church Year. • Understand and embrace God’s commitment to his children, that they mature in Jesus Christ, grow to full maturity, and make disciples of others as the Spirit leads. One of the greatest gifts of the Lord to his Church is his excellent Word. It is inspired and breathed out by God (2 Tim. 3.15-17), forever settled in heaven (Ps. 119.89), and its testimony cannot be broken (John 10.35). It is sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4.12-13), and is more to be desired than much fine gold, and is sweeter than the honeycomb (Ps. 19.10). Beyond question, the Scriptures supply strength, illumination, and insight into the person of God in Christ, and provides strength and wisdom as we flesh out what it means to live as disciples of the Kingdom. Our sincere desire is that as you gain greater skill and depth into the Word of God that the Spirit will both enrich and empower your life in such as way as to please our Lord. Hearing and keeping Christ’s Word is the key to being set free (John 8.31-32), and so may the Lord grant you his freedom and power as you master the written Word of God.
Convinced of the power of God’s living Word, Don Davis
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