Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story



video resources. Based on selected texts from the English Standard Version (ESV), the program titles include:

• New Beginnings in Christ: Foundations of the Faith • From Before to Beyond Time: Understanding the Story of God • Living the Christ Life: Participating in Jesus’ Story • Growing to Maturity: The Measure of Christ’s Fullness This workshop will concentrate on how to use the system effectively to master the outline and contents of Scripture. It will highlight all the essential skills needed to memorize and retain a thorough knowl edge of Scripture through disciplined, programmed memorization of biblical verses according to themes and topics. We will also include issues of translation, hermeneutics, Bible history, and the story of God culminating in Christ. This thorough program will enable each student to know and meditate on the foundational truths of the Faith, the Bible’s fundamental content and theology in Christ, providing a simple, effective method to gain mastery of the Bible’s contents in outline format, section by section, and book by book. As a result of taking this course, each student should be able to: • Begin a comprehensive, efficient, and effective program of Scripture memorization designed to help you to master the key themes of the Bible. • Understand and recall the elements of Jesus’ ministry as our Rabbi and Teacher, and respond obediently to his call to discipleship. • Describe the role of the Holy Spirit in helping us understand the Word of God. word-perfectly, in association with particular themes and ideas, noting the various pitfalls that undermine our ability to memorize the Word effectively. • Recite the ways to memorize the Scriptures effectively and efficiently, with a focus on learning how to continue to memorize and review to keep all Scriptures that have been hidden in the heart. • Learn the rationale behind the Master the Bible System, including a knowledge of each series’ key rationale and major elements in the Scripture memorization program. • Understand both the value of memorizing Scripture

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