Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y
sacred Scriptures. The Apostle Paul asserted that not only were the Scriptures “breathed out” by God (making them utterly unique to all other literature), but that they were “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3.16b-17, ESV). A mastery of the Bible and its message is critical to every phase of effective urban ministry, and the ability to help others master the Bible is essential to preparing the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4.12). It is sad to say, but most of our exposure to the Bible is in little bits and pieces, a story here, a proverb there, a lesson here, a sermon there. Many in our churches can participate for years in our weekly worship, Bible studies, Sunday School classes, and discipleship relationships and still not really have a clear understanding of the overall scope of the biblical Story. This resource is deliberately designed to help new and growing believers to master the outline and contents of the Bible. Truly, to get and keep the big picture of Scripture is to be set on a strong foothold, for personal worship, for biblical theology, for spiritual formation, and for witnessing to others. Once you become familiar with the overall storyline, you can then understand the various sections and parts, the issues and concepts, the flow and structure of God’s Word. Such a knowledge will ensure that you never waste your intake of the Bible; you will be able to strengthen your walk with God, understand the context of sermons and studies you encounter, and be better able to train and equip others so they, too, can grasp and appreciate the broad horizon of God’s saving action in Jesus – from creation, to the Incarnation, to the re-creation of all things at his coming. Convinced that Scripture memorization is one of the most efficient and effective means of Bible mastery, this workshop will focus on developing this discipline in the lives of believers from new converts to Christian leaders. This workshop is specifically designed to help the developing urban disciple and Christian leader to master the Bible through Scripture memorization, with the goal of training others to grow to maturity in Christ through daily meditation and understanding of the Bible’s history, key doctrines, and promises.
The course highlights TUMI’s Master the Bible System , a four-series Scripture memorization regimen which includes both audio and
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