Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Chapter 5: L i v i ng the Chr i s t L i fe , Ser i es 3
(on the other hand) speak convincingly to the issues and needs of the day?
Insights The Bible tells the story of God’s battle to restore his kingdom reign through his promised Messiah. Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, who through his Cross and resurrection won the victory over Satan, sin and death, paid our sin debt, and freed us from the curse. • In the person of Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Kingdom of God has entered into this realm of Satan’s dominion. Through his incarnation, signs and wonders, miracles, and exorcisms Jesus confirmed his identity as the One who would come and restore God’s reign to creation. • Now through the Cross, Christ has stripped off the powers and authorities, making a public spectacle of those powers which held humankind in bondage, and now has led them in triumphal procession on the cross. As risen and exalted Lord, he has poured out his Holy Spirit, the down payment of the full inheritance, on the people of God. • Having triumphed over his enemies, Jesus must reign until all his enemies are under his feet, and he is both head of the Church and Lord of the harvest, drawing people to himself through the Gospel. He intercedes for his own at the Father’s right hand. • As believers in him, we are called to make Christ the center of our spiritual formation and devotion. We are called to bear witness of God’s saving work in Christ, and proclaim in our worship of and service to God through Christ the meaning of time and all history.
Connection Spend time reflecting on the truths you have just studied, and ask God to help you understand and apply them to your own walk with him.
• Do I understand the Bible’s framework of the Kingdom of God, the “Already/Not Yet” Kingdom, and do I comprehend
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