Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

2. The hungry heart, seeking to touch others, will be fruitful through God’s provision and timing, Ps. 126.6 – He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.

Summary God desires every one of his newborn children to grow to full maturity in Christ. He matures us by granting to us the Holy Spirit and placing us into his family in order to be built up (edified) and to reproduce (i.e., become fruitful), to his glory. Only through the new birth can we enter the Kingdom of God, and the Bible uses the analogy of parenthood to speak of our need to grow from infants to spiritual adulthood. Being vulnerable to attack, pressure, persecution, and temptation, new converts need tender, loving care in order to persevere to maturity. A truly mature disciple has a zeal to represent Christ and his Kingdom, has responded to God’s call, and lives by the Scripture’s vision of life. S/he maintains a disciplined walk, holds to a believing stance, expresses a compelling testimony, and demonstrates a fighting spirit in spiritual warfare. Finally, s/he shares their life in common with others, provides a healing presence where they live and work, and has a passion to multiply the Gospel to others. In the power of the Holy Spirit and in the assembly of believers, God is transforming us into Christ’s image. As co-laborers with God, we must strive to be a disciple of Christ in the Church, and always remain open to being used by him to help others grow, mature, and reproduce, that others might know of our living hope in Christ.

Case Studies “It’s weird. It’s like he expects me to be his disciple, not Christ’s disciple.”

Those who commit themselves to spiritual growth and formation in the church can easily become distracted, shifting the focus from being disciples of Christ to disciples of others. Many cases could be given where, in their zeal to help others grow to maturity, a mentor or leader made obedience and submission to their own word to be

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