Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y
a. He questioned them on what others thought of him, and who they thought he was, Matt. 16.13-17.
b. He dialogued with them about the circumstances surrounding the end of days, cf. Matt. 24.3ff.; Mark 13.14-14; Luke 21.5-7.
9. As Jesus reflected in dialogue with his disciples, so God has given us pastors and teachers to make the meaning of the Word of God plain to us.
a. He has given gifted people to the Church to aid us in our growth, Eph. 4.11-13.
b. We are to honor those who labor among us in the Word in their preaching and teaching ministries, 1 Tim. 5.17.
E. He challenged his disciples to continue in and abide in his Word.
1. He claimed that discipleship depended on continuing in his Word, John 8.31-32.
2. He commanded his disciples to hide his Word in their hearts, i.e., to let his Word abide in them, John 15.7-8.
3. The method of teaching for the rabbis, including Rabbi Jesus, was Scripture memorization: “The method [of training] was by the indefatigable exercise of the memory. The object was that the pupil should learn with accuracy the entire matter, with its thousands upon thousands of minutiae. To accomplish this end the teacher was obliged to repeat the material again and again to his pupils. Hence in rabbinic terminology
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